Monday, June 30, 2008

Fresh Air For Windows?

"Fresh Air For Windows?
from Slashdot by timothy
jmcbain writes 'The NY Times has an opinion piece on how the next Windows could be designed (even through Microsoft has already laid plans for Windows 7). The author suggests 'A monolithic operating system like Windows perpetuates an obsolete design. We don't need to load up our machines with bloated layers we won't use.' He also brings up the example of Apple breaking ties with its legacy OS when OS X was built. Can Windows move forward with a completely new, fast, and secure OS and still keep legacy application support?'

Read more of this story at Slashdot."

It is actually over ... I don't think anyone is using the Windows 3.11 programs any more, so why not a clean slate? Actually that was visited in Vista but MS failed to deliver their promised OS especially the WinFS feature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this tips 2218153698